Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Teachers Can Make Effective Discipline Decisions

A major component of being an effective teacher is making correct classroom discipline decisions. Teachers who cannot manage student discipline in their classroom are limited in their overall effectiveness in almost every other area of teaching. Classroom discipline in that sense may be the most critical component of being an outstanding teacher. Effective Classroom Discipline Strategies Effective classroom discipline starts during the first minute of the first day of school. Many students come in looking to see what they can get away with. It is necessary to establish your expectations, procedures, and consequences for dealing with any violation immediately. Within the first few days, these expectations and procedures should be the focal point of discussion. They should be practiced as often as possible. It is also important to understand that kids will still be kids. At some point, they will test you and push the envelope to see how you are going to handle it. It is essential that each situation is handled on a case by case basis taking into account the nature of the incident, history of the student, and reflecting on how you have handled similar cases in the past. Gaining a reputation as a strict teacher is a beneficial thing, especially if you are also known as fair. It is far better to be strict than to be known as a push over because you are trying to get your students to like you. Ultimately your students will respect you more if your classroom is structured and every student is held accountable for their actions. Students will also respect you more if you handle the majority of the discipline decisions yourself rather than passing them on to the principal. Most issues that occur in the classroom are minor in nature and can and should be dealt with by the teacher. However, there are many teachers that send every student straight to the office. This will ultimately undermine their authority and students will see them as weak creating more issues. There are definite cases that merit an office referral, but most can be dealt with by the teacher. The following is a sample blueprint of how five common issues could be handled. It is only intended to serve as a guide and to provoke thought and discussion. Each of the following problems is typical to what any teacher may see occur in their classroom. The scenarios given are pos- investigation, giving you what was proved to have actually happened. Disciplinary Issues and Recommendations Excessive Talking Introduction: Excessive talking can become a serious issue in any classroom if it is not handled immediately. It is contagious by nature. Two students engaging in a conversation during class can quickly turn into a loud and disruptive whole classroom affair. There are times that talking is needed and acceptable, but students must be taught the difference between classroom discussion and engaging in conversation about what they are going to be doing on the weekend. Scenario: Two 7th grade girls have been engaged in constant chatter throughout the morning. The teacher has given two warnings to quit, but it has continued. Several students are now complaining about being disrupted by their talking. One of these students has had this issue on several other occasions while the other hasn’t been in trouble for anything. Consequences: The first thing is to separate the two students. Isolate the student, who has had similar issues, from the other students by moving her next to your desk. Give both of them several days of detention. Contact both parents explaining the situation. Finally, create a plan and share it with the girls and their parents detailing how this issue will be dealt with if it continues in the future. Cheating Introduction: Cheating is something that is nearly impossible to stop especially for work that is done outside of class. However, when you do catch students cheating, you should use them to set an example that you hope will deter other students from engaging in the same practice. Students should be taught that cheating will not help them even if they get away with it. Scenario: A high school Biology I teacher is giving a test and catches two students using answers they had written on their hands. Consequences: The teacher should take their tests up immediately and give them both zeros. The teacher could also give them several days of detention or be creative by giving them an assignment such as writing a paper explaining why students shouldn’t cheat. The teacher should also contact both students’ parents explaining the situation to them. Failure to Bring Appropriate Materials Introduction: When students fail to bring materials to class such as pencils, paper, and books it becomes annoying and ultimately takes up valuable class time. Most students who continuously forget to bring their materials to class have an organization problem. Scenario: An 8th-grade boy routinely comes to math class without his book or some other required material. This typically happens 2-3 times per week. The teacher has given the student detention on multiple occasions, but it has not been effective in correcting the behavior. Consequences: This student likely has a problem with organization. The teacher should set up a parent meeting and include the student. During the meeting create a plan to help the student with organization at school. In the plan include strategies such as daily locker checks and assigning a responsible student to assist the student in getting the needed materials to each class. Give the student and parent suggestions and strategies to work on organization at home. Refusal to Complete Work Introduction: This is an issue that can swell from something minor to something major very quickly. This isn’t a problem that should ever be ignored. Concepts are taught sequentially, so even missing one assignment, could lead to gaps down the road. Scenario: A 3rd-grade student hasn’t completed two reading assignments in a row. When asked why, he says that he didn’t have time to do them even though most other students finished the assignments during class. Consequences: No student should be allowed to take a zero. It is essential that the student be required to complete the assignment even if only partial credit is given. This will keep the student from missing a key concept. The student could be required to stay after school for extra tutoring to make up the assignments. The parent should be contacted, and a specific plan should be designed to discourage this issue from becoming a habit. Conflict Between Students Introduction: There will likely always be petty conflicts between students for various reasons. It doesn’t take long for a pretty conflict to turn into an all out fight. That is why it is necessary to get to the root of the conflict and put a stop to it immediately. Scenario: Two 5th grade boys come back from lunch upset at each other. The conflict hasn’t become physical, but the two have exchanged words without cursing. After some investigation, the teacher determines that the boys are arguing because they both have a crush on the same girl. Consequences: The teacher should start by reiterating the fighting policy to both boys. Asking the principal to take a few minutes to speak with both boys about the situation can also help deter further issues. Typically a situation like this will diffuse itself if both parties are reminded of the consequences if it progresses any further.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Erving Goffman - Biography and Works

Erving Goffman (1922–1982) was a major Canadian-American sociologist who played a significant role in the development of modern American sociology. He is considered by some to be the most influential sociologist of the 20th century, thanks to his many significant and lasting contributions to the field.  He is widely known and celebrated as a major figure in the development of  symbolic interaction theory  and for developing the dramaturgical perspective. His most widely read works include  The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life  and  Stigma: Notes the Management of Spoiled Identity. Major Contributions Goffman is credited for making significant contributions to the field of sociology. He is considered a pioneer of micro-sociology, or the close examination of the social interactions that compose everyday life. Through this type of work, Goffman presented evidence and theory for the social construction of the self as it is presented to and managed for others, created the concept of framing and the perspective of frame analysis, and set the foundation for the study of impression management. Through his study of social interaction, Goffman made a lasting mark on how sociologists understand and study stigma and how it affects the lives of people who experience it. His studies also laid the groundwork for the study of strategic interaction within game theory and laid the foundation for the method and subfield of conversation analysis. Based on his study of mental institutions, Goffman created the concept and framework for studying total institutions and the process of resocialization that takes place within them. Early Life and Education Goffman was born June 11, 1922, in Alberta, Canada. His parents, Max and Anne Goffman, were Ukrainian Jews who emigrated to Canada prior to his birth. After his parents moved to Manitoba, Goffman attended St. Johns Technical High School in Winnipeg, and in 1939 he began his university studies in chemistry at the University of Manitoba. Goffman later switched to studying sociology at the University of Toronto and completed his B.A. in 1945. Goffman enrolled at the University of Chicago for graduate school and completed a Ph.D. in sociology in 1953. Trained in the tradition of the Chicago School of Sociology, Goffman conducted ethnographic research  and studied symbolic interaction theory. Among his major influences were Herbert Blumer, Talcott Parsons, Georg Simmel, Sigmund Freud, and Émile  Durkheim. His first major study for his doctoral dissertation was an account of everyday social interaction and rituals on Unset, an island among the Shetland Islands chain in Scotland (Communication Conduct in an Island Community, 1953.) Goffman married Angelica Choate in 1952 and a year later the couple had a son, Thomas. Angelica committed suicide in 1964 after suffering from mental illness. Career and Later Life Following the completion of his doctorate and his marriage, Goffman took a job at the National Institute for Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. There, he conducted participant observation research for what would be his second book,  Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates, published in 1961. He described how this process of institutionalization socializes people into the role of a good patient (i.e. someone dull, harmless and inconspicuous), which in turn reinforces the notion that severe mental illness is a chronic state. Goffmans first book, published in 1956, and arguably his most widely taught and famous work, is titled  The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Drawing on his research in the Shetland Islands, it is in this book that Goffman laid out his dramaturgical approach to studying the minutiae of everyday face-to-face interaction. He used the imagery of the theater to portray the importance of human and social action. All actions, he argued, are social performances that aim to give and maintain certain desired impressions of oneself to others. In social interactions, humans are actors on a stage playing a performance for an audience. The only time individuals can be themselves and get rid of their role or identity in society is backstage where no audience is present. Goffman took a faculty position in the department of sociology at the University of California-Berkeley in 1958. In 1962 he was promoted to full professor. In 1968, he was appointed the Benjamin Franklin Chair in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Goffman’s Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience  was published in 1974. Frame analysis is the study of the organization of social experiences, and so with his book, Goffman wrote about how conceptual frames structure an individual’s perception of society. He used the concept of a picture frame to illustrate this concept. The frame, he said, represents structure and is used to hold together an individual’s context of what they are experiencing in their life, represented by a picture. In 1981 Goffman married Gillian Sankoff, a sociolinguist. Together the two had a daughter, Alice, born in 1982. Goffman died of stomach cancer that same year. Alice Goffman became a notable sociologist in her own right. Awards and Honors Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1969)Guggenheim Fellowship (1977–78)Cooley-Mead Award for Distinguished Scholarship, Second on Social Psychology, American Sociological Association (1979)73rd President of the American Sociological Association (1981–82)Mead Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems (1983)Sixth most cited author in humanities and social sciences in 2007 Other Major Publications Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction (1961)Behavior in Public Places (1963)Interaction Ritual (1967)Gender Advertisements (1976)Forms of Talk (1981)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Life Of Mildred Delores Jeter And Musiel Byrd Jeter

Mildred Delores Jeter was born in Central Point, Virginia on June 22, 1939. Mildred’s parents were Theoliver Jeter and Musiel Byrd Jeter. Mildred Loving was of African American, European and Native American origin, specifically from the Cherokee and Rappahannock tribes. Mildred s family had lived in the area around Central Point, Virginia for a long time, where blacks and whites mixed freely with little racial conflict even at the peak of the Jim Crow era. Mildred was a shy woman who became a reluctant activist in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s when she and her husband, Richard Loving, successfully challenged Virginia s ban on interracial marriage. Mildred didn’t want to become an activist in the Civil Rights Movement, because†¦show more content†¦The sheriff cruelly stated that the marriage certificate held no power in their district. Virginia’s law in fact prevented black and white citizens from getting married out of the state and then returning to live within the state. Richard ended up spending only night in jail, while Mildred spent several more nights there while pregnant. The couple eventually pleaded guilty to breaking the Virginia law. The couple s one-year sentences and charges would both be dropped, but only under one condition. Under the condition the couple was commanded to leave the state and not return together for 25 years. The Loving’s followed the orders. The couple paid their c ourt fees and relocated to Washington, D.C. where they got married. When the couple relocated to Washington, D.C. they had three children named Donald, Sidney, and Peggy. Mildred and Richard occasionally made separate return visits to Virginia to see friends and family. Yet the two also secretly made trips to their home state together and eventually secretly lived in Virginia again with their kids despite the risk of detainment. By the year of 1963, the Loving’s decided that they have had enough, with Mildred bitterly unhappy over living in a city and completely fed up when her son was hit by a car. The Civil Rights movement was developing into real

Referring in detail to at least two poems What Makes Wilfred Owen a Great War Poet Free Essays

string(147) " they have been constantly worrying about constantly which has made them paranoid, and so they dismiss it merely as though they are seeing things\." Commencing the First World War in 1914, conscription had not yet been established, but the government were leaning heavily on the media to endeavour and recruit volunteers into the army. This was done by propaganda. Poetry and posters were the two most prominent in persuading men to fight for their country. We will write a custom essay sample on Referring in detail to at least two poems: What Makes Wilfred Owen a Great War Poet? or any similar topic only for you Order Now But it was poetry which encouraged the â€Å"war fever†; poetry in which war was described as valiant and noble, and how it was an honourable thing to be able to fight for your country. An example was Jessie Pope who wrote Who’s for the Game: a writer whom Owen was predominantly against. His poems he wrote partially in retaliation against propaganda, and with the intention of exposing â€Å"the old lie†. By this, he recapitulated his own experiences in the war, which were ghastly and did not show men in war as gallant and heroic. His poems also seemed therapeutic; a way of release, but the main intention it seems was to expose the truth about war. Owen illustrates his poetry with such vivid descriptions and realism, particularly in Dulce et Decorum est, so as to paint a realistic image of World War I in the reader’s mind, especially in the fourth and final verse, where Owen vividly describes the horrific image of a soldier dead from gas, and he brings the reader right up close to the face of the dead soldier. By doing this, he makes it very personal for the reader. The face of a human is what shows their emotions, and what shows identity. In the poem The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson, which describes the charge of British cavalry against Russian soldiers, the whole six hundred British were slaughtered, yet not once does Tennyson pick out one soldier, or individualises this. This is what Owen does in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†: he individualises the soldier who has died. Another feature of this last verse is that it shows people that the war they thought would be glorious and noble is not at all that. At the end, it seems as if he is trying to make the reader feel guilty (especially after reading about the gassed soldier) by ever believing that war is an honourable thing: My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory The old lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori With this, Owen asks that after knowing what war is really like (as opposed to glorious and noble), would you still tell your children if they asked that war is a wonderful and honourable thing? He therefore intends to make the reader feel guilty for this. In a war, when many people die, their deaths are recorded mostly as a statistic. Here in the last verse of Dulce et Decorum est, Owen picks out one dead individual to the reader. The dead one’s face is described so vividly, so as to stand out most to the reader. One’s face is what gives one identity, what shows emotion and other human characteristics. Owen purposely focuses in particularly on the face, as to give maximum emotional impact; especially a face so mutilated by the gas which would be a huge shock to one’s morals. With â€Å"Obscene as cancer†, Owen is comparing this image, something he knows, to something readers at home know of well. By doing this, Owen also shows how horrifically real the war was, by comparing it to something equally horrifically real, and much closer to home. At the beginning of the second line in Dulce et Decorum est, Owen uses an interesting phrase: â€Å"knock-kneed†. In this phrase can be extracted quite a few different meanings, mostly centred on Owen’s excellent use of language which brings such strong realism into his poems. It could possibly be a simple phrase in soldiers’ slang, which ties in with the realism. Poetically speaking, he uses alliteration and onomatopoeia to give the idea of knees buckling and knocking together. Knocking together with what? It could have merely been the weather, as the soldiers were cold, muddy and wet, but it also gives the impression that they were shaking with fear, which ties in with the idea that soldiers were ideally viewed as strong, heroic and fearless, yet here they are scared, and defeated by this fear and the effects of the weather. This phrase also gives one the idea of violence, which is certainly and undoubtedly expected in a war. â€Å"Haunting flares† in the next line automatically gives the reader the idea of a horror story. Owen writes Dulce et Decorum est certainly in such a way which could relate it to a horror story, particularly in the last verse where he describes the soldier who died from the gas attack, for here one reads about something which is so horrific, alien and obscene that it could not possibly be real, just as the ghost or other such supernatural beings in a horror story. This ties in with when in the last verse Owen relates it to the Devil, and the Devil is not something most people would like to believe in, just as the nasty image Owen puts into the reader’s head of the dead soldier is not something one would like to believe. However, unlike horror stories and the Devil, Owen’s description and vivid realism make this something one must accept as real. Tied within the idea of a horror story, â€Å"Haunting flares† also has a rather psychological meaning to it. The use of the word â€Å"haunting† shows that this has been on the soldiers’ minds constantly. But as a horror story, in which the purpose is to be scary, but not real, and it seems that the soldiers are treating it as such. The way Owen writes it makes it seem as if it is something that they have been constantly worrying about constantly which has made them paranoid, and so they dismiss it merely as though they are seeing things. You read "Referring in detail to at least two poems: What Makes Wilfred Owen a Great War Poet?" in category "Papers" This could be a cause of their delayed reactions when they are hit by the gas attack, for they dismissed the flares as though they were not there. In the next verse where Owen describes the gas attack, he uses language which links and relates to the idea of water. â€Å"Floundering† shows this first, as for example one who cannot swim will flounder in the water. Another possible meaning is that a flounder is a fish; a fish out of water will flap and struggle and will not survive because it cannot breathe oxygen. It seems Owen is using this to compare with the soldier who could not get his mask on in time, and he is as the fish out of water, struggling and fighting for the oxygen he cannot breathe, and in the end he will not survive. â€Å"As under a green sea, I saw him drowning† also relates quite clearly to water; the green sea being the gas, and the soldier is dying – drowning – in this green sea. In the next small verse, Owen briefly changes from the past to the present tense with, In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, chocking, drowning. This shows the traumatic and psychological effects this one event had on him. This could be because Owen saw this so close and it was so shocking to him. However, although there is no hint to it in the poem save for â€Å"An ecstasy of fumbling†, there could be a chance that the gas mask Owen ‘won’ might have been fought over by Owen and the dying soldier. The sight of watching the soldier die so horrifically could leave a sharp imprint of guilt upon Owen, such as that he would relive the moment when he sleeps, in his dreams. It also shows that Owen had been forced to buy such a nasty moment to be able to function, to do his job, during the day. However, when something has such an effect on someone, it cannot be buried, and it will come back to haunt the person, as it did with Owen when he slept. However, in order for one to be able to get over such an event, it must be remembered, and part of the reason Owen wrote this poem was as a method of self-therapy, to help him recover from the moment. Owen also uses an interesting order of words in these two lines, leaving the point where he speaks about the soldier actually dying, the most important bit, till last. Because of the such traumatic effect it has on him, such a thing to say would be very hard for Owen. In Exposure, Owen focuses in particular on describing most vividly the weather and psychological effects on them during this particular time. It shows also his experience in the war, as weather was a strong enemy to both sides and both sides were badly affected. In the second verse of Exposure, Owen uses poetic technique tied in with realism to describe the weather as an army to be fought. †¦melancholy army attacks once More in ranks on shivering Ranks of grey†¦ Throughout Exposure, Owen uses vivid description to relate to the reader the weather. Here, Owen uses personification as he describes the weather as at the time a more challenging enemy to be fought than the Germans – the main enemy at the time. Also, with â€Å"a dull rumour of some other war†, he is showing that during that time the soldiers were far more concerned about surviving from the extreme weather conditions than they were about the war they were in France originally to fight. It also shows that they were not alert completely, perhaps effected by the weather and fatigue, and they are not entirely aware of how vulnerable they are to the Nazis. Exposure focuses particularly on not only the weather, but also on the psychological effects. Owen describes how the soldiers were so wrecked by fatigue and by the effects of the weather that they forgot about fighting the Nazis and merely withdrew into themselves. Within this, they seem to wonder about what they had been told about war. This is shown particularly when the phrase â€Å"Forgotten dreams†. This may be dreams of the glory after the war, things they had wished to do, dreams and plans after the war, which they have given up on, because they have realised that war is not a glorious thing at all. In this also there appears to be a loss of morale, and of hope, as if they have realised there is no hope in this war at all, be it against the Germans or the weather. There is also a religious element, in which they seem to question their faith and belief in God, and a sense of homesickness. â€Å"Glimpsing the sunk fires† shows this particularly. A fire that is not tended to dies down, and the soldiers had not been home in so long. The fire could also refer to their sunken spirits, and a drastic diminishing of hope and faith, or the diminishing of life as more soldiers die. â€Å"Shutters and doors all closed†: this could mean a few things, such as they believed they would never make it home, they will not survive this horrific war – a drastic loss of morale. Alternatively, perhaps, if they were to return home in the end things would never be the same. There is even the sense (particularly with the next line: â€Å"We turn back to our dying†) that they cannot go back until their job is done, so they â€Å"turn back to [our] dying†. They retreat from their minds and wake up to reality once more. The theme of religion is brought in with â€Å"For God’s invincible spring our love is made afraid†. This could mean many things. One of the Ten Commandments is to love your neighbour as yourself. They may be afraid to love their neighbour – the Germans in this case. Or it may be that, after all that has happened to them in the war, they are afraid to any longer love; to believe in; to have faith in God. As this is what their belief has brought them too. However, Owen says â€Å"invincible spring†. This could mean something completely different; a sudden replenishing of morale, or of faith in God. It is as if they know they are going to die, and there is nothing they can do about it, but they realise suddenly that this is God’s plan for them, and they will not die in vain. They were in the war for a reason: to protect their country and they will die doing their job. â€Å"Therefore, not loath†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – this also shows acceptance of the job God has given them. By â€Å"not loath†, it shows that they will not half-heartedly do their job, and they will do it fully and wilfully. It is clearly difficult however, for them to come to terms with what seems their destiny. Despite Owen’s anger about the false propaganda, there does seem to be a sense that heroism has returned to the idea of war. â€Å"Therefore were born†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ could this mean sacrifice, or resurrection perhaps as with Jesus? With the line â€Å"For love of God seems dying†, it seems it could rather mean â€Å"For love of God it seems worth dying†. This shows that they would willingly die for the love of God. The last verse of Exposure is a verse that seems to predict their fate, which is ultimately a whole acceptance of this fate. Again, Owen’s choice of language defines the strong sense of realism and the psychological theme, as with throughout the poem. There are two lines which are most prominent, the first being â€Å"This mud and us†; this line refers to clearly the dead bodies in the earth, but there is also a seemingly religious element in it also. A line from the Bible reads â€Å"Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust†. This refers to the dead bodies in the earth returning to dust, so they are at one with the Earth, peaceful and as part of nature. It seems Owen has come to realise it is simply this which is the fate that awaits them, and he has accepted fully this fate. The last line seems slightly strange then in compliance with this, for it states â€Å"But nothing happens†. Is this a sudden uncertainty of what is to happen after death, or merely a sudden thought that perhaps there is simply nothing? This contradicts their religious views, as the thought of nothing happening would mean regardless of whether they were good men or not, there would be no eternal paradise nor suffering. These two poems are relatively similar in that the main purpose for being written was to expose the horrific truth about war, which is that the ideals created by propaganda of the time that it is glorious to fight for your country, that to be a soldier is to be heroic and fearless and honourable, is opposite to the actual reality of a war. The truth of events in a war, for example the soldier who died from the gas attack in Dulce et Decorum est, is very different from this ideal image, for to die in such a way is certainly not glorious to anyone. As Owen vaguely questions throughout his poems, if you are to die in such a horrific and grotesque way, is it truly worth dying for your country? For as Owen’s retreatment into his mind in Exposure, where the soldiers suffer from severe homesickness, would one not prefer to make certain they shall return to their families to care for them, to ensure their safety, rather than die so nastily and leave their family to suffer under the effects of such a death? From each of Owen’s poems, it is evident that his determination and passion to expose â€Å"the old lie† to the public drove him to write his poems to perfection, using poetic devices and languages to fill these poems with layers of meaning, some which only Owen will know of, as a method of self-therapy to help him recover from the psychological effects and traumatic stress of the war. It is very sad, therefore, that he should die at such a young age, just before the ending of the war where he should have (as many soldiers who did not should have) been able to experience peace once more and also the effects his incredible poetry had on people. How to cite Referring in detail to at least two poems: What Makes Wilfred Owen a Great War Poet?, Essays

Competitive Advantage of Nations Performance †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Advantage of Nations Performance. Answer: Introduction Tim Hortons is a Canadian multinational fast food restaurant which is present across 9 countries. The restaurant chain is renowned for its sundry range of coffee and doughnuts. The company was founded by hockey players Tim Horton and Jim Charade and is today Canadas largest quick service restaurant. Tim Hortons was founded in 1964 and since then has created a significant mark in the fast food industry. This report highlights upon the brands expansion to the Indian Subcontinent which is a crucial aspect of the companys geographical expansion in the coming years. India is one of the largest countries of the Asian subcontinent. It has a mammoth population of over 1.32billion with an average age of 29. India is a developing economy and hence a grand market for Tim Hortons expansion. India ranks 100 in the ease of doing business index released by the World Bank (World Bank, 2018). India has been the expansion ground for various fast food chains from across the globe. The country has already accepted Burger King which is the owner of Tim Hortons. The large population of the country will also provide the brand with a relatively cheaper labor force. India is predominantly a Hindu dominated market and hence a majority of general public is vegetarian in their food choices. People of India do not have as high a disposable income as that of people in Canada. Target Market Target market for Tim Hortons includes youth between the ages of 15 to 35. College going students can also be targeted by the brand by offering quick ready to eat snacks and coffee to go. Office going crowd of the country can also benefit from the quick service of the brand. Families with children can also create an optimistic target market for the brand owing to their assorted variety of doughnuts offered. There are various coffee shops in India which have already captured a large percentage of the fast food market. Leading competitors that the brand would have to face upon entry in India include: McDonalds Caf Coffee Day Dunkin Doughnuts O.D. (Mad Over Doughnuts). Costa Coffee. Recently entered Starbucks. Coffee by Di Bella These brands have already been accepted in India mostly spreading across the metropolitan cities of the country including Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Jaipur and Hyderabad. Therefore in order to differentiate from these competitors, it is imperative for the brand to work towards gaining a competitive advantage against these firms. However, the only advantage is that owing to the large population and the growing fast food culture, there is enough market for many brands to sustain in the country. In order to sustain in any given market, it is imperative that brands work towards establishing a competitive advantage against their existing or potential competitors (Porter, 2011). This competitive advantage can be in the form of unique offerings, differentiated promotions or strategic pricing. Tim Hortons has adopted a market penetration pricing strategy. This strategy requires organizations to price their products relatively lower in order to gain a competitive advantage (Armstrong et. al., 2015). This strategy adopted by Tim Hortons is sure to help the brand in gaining an advantage over its Indian Competitors. Entry strategy Geographical expansion in International boundaries requires brands to carefully select an appropriate entry strategy. An entry strategy creatively defines how a particular brand would enter a new international market. The entry strategy recommended to Tim Hortons to enter the Indian market would be Joint Venture. Joint ventures requires a brand that needs to enter to a new market to join hands with an existing brand in the new location (Killing, 2013). This allows both the brands to carefully and creatively work together. The existing brand has sufficient knowledge and the advantage of experience of working in the same country for a long time. On the other hand, aligning with a new brand helps the existing brand to expand its product line and develop its target market. For Tim Hortons to be truly successful in capturing the Indian market, it is crucial that the brand initiates its outlets in metropolitan cities of the country. Mumbai, Capital New Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, Bangalore, Jaipur and Hyderabad are lucrative locations for the brand to initiate its expansion process. All these cities offer a huge target market for the brand and the demand for fast food already exists. It is also important the brand inaugurates outlets in commercial parts of the cities including but not limited to malls, large office complexes, airports and city centers. This would attract more attention and hence will lead to improved footfall. Reliance Industries is a leading group of industries in India founded by entrepreneur Dhirubhai Ambani. The group of industries has businesses across different industries ranging across retail, manufacturing, solar energy, telecommunications, life sciences and media. Tim Hortons could get into a joint venture with the reliance industries. This conjunction would have various advantages for Tim Hortons. The biggest advantage being the backing of a strong brand name that is reliance industries. Association with such a strong brand automatically establishes trust in the minds of people. Reliance industries also believes in market penetration pricing strategy which is currently adopted by Tim Hortons. Botht the brands are highly ethical companies and have been well known for their quality offerings and satisfied customers. Therefore, the similar value set of both the brands would take the venture to a smooth conjecture. Both the brands can also take advantage of each others promotional strategies. Upon joining hands with Tim Hortons Reliance industries would make consistent efforts of including the brand in all its promotions. This is where the large reach of Reliance will be beneficial for Tim Hortons. Conclusion In order for Tim Hortons to expand into the Indian market, the following strategies would be recommended: Introduction of healthier option in the food menu including gluten free and vegan for health conscious customers. The food menu must be vegetarian dominated as the country has 80% Hindus who practice vegetarianism by religion. For delivery the brand must tie up with leading food delivery applications like Swiggy, Zomato, Foodpanda and Uber Eats. Creative innovation through join promotions with Reliance, Billboards and Television Ads must be designed to seek attention of customers before entering the market. Social media market must be used as a lucrative tool to reach out to customers. Social media marketing refers to any kind of promotions conducted through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest (Tuten Solomon, 2017). Conclusion Tim Hortons is a leading fast food chain that is currently dominating the Canadian market. Further geographical expansion is the need of the hour. For the same, India is a perfect market. The countrys massive population, increasing youth, elevating fast food trends and enhanced ease of doing business are major benefits for Tim Hortons. As a brand, Tim Hortons must join hands with Reliance industries and focus upon differentiating itself through price penetration strategy and innovative marketing strategies. Effective marketing tactics and strategic targeting by Time Hortons would ensure successful entry and large scale acceptance in the Indian market. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Killing, P. (2013).Strategies for joint venture success (RLE international business). Routledge. United Kingdom. Porter, M. E. (2011).Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance(Vol. 2). Simon and Schuster. Tuten, T. L., Solomon, M. R. (2017).Social media marketing. Sage. United Kingdom. World Bank, (2018), Ease of doing business index, Accessed from, retrieved on 17 April, 2018.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Digital Marketing and Practical Framework †

Question: Discuss about the Digital Marketing and Practical Framework. Answer: Introduction The Ducati name originated in the 1920s when the Ducati brother founded a company with their father. At that time, the family was experimenting with radio transmission systems and capacitors. In the 1930s, the company was manufacturing radios. In the 1940s, the company manufactured its first motorcycle called Cucciolo. In the 1950s, the company manufactured various motorcycles that were used for racing such as the Desmo series. The Ducati Scrambler was manufactured in 1968. Over the years, the models have continued to evolve to the 2016 Ducati Scrambler. The new motorcycle has wheels that are seventeen inches and are carbon BlackStone Tek. The wheels are made of carbon fiber which is light making the motorcycle light and easy to control ("Rough Crafts Turns the Ducati Scrambler into a Wild Beast", n.d.). The forks are Marzocchi from Panigale 1199 which boosts adjustability and stiffness on the road. The tires used are Pirelli Rosso Corsa which strengthen the bikes stickiness on the road. Additionally, the bike has a swing arm that is Monster 1100. It has parts from Belinger and Motogadget such as mirrors, brakes and master cylinders. It has different accessories, seat covers, and scrambler logos to allow customization and improve the customers experience. Lastly, it has different flavors such as icon, full throttle, urban endure and classic. Marketing objectives To increase brand visibility by 20 percent to be measured using Google Analytics. To acquire 15 percent market share in the Australian market. To position the motorcycle as the first choice for bikers in the Australian market To sell out the motorcycle within the first six months after launching it. To increase the contribution margin by five percent. To increase the companys sales by 10 percent. The new motorcycle belongs to a well-established product line. The previous models have met the needs of their customers so the new model is expected to do the same. The second competitive advantage is that the motorcycle belongs to a recognized brand that is known to provide high-quality motorcycles (Duncan, 2016). The motorcycles from Ducati have been used to win races over the years and the models continue evolving as technology advances. Situation analysis The situation analysis provides a description of the environment the Ducati Scrambler is in. It includes the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Strengths The Ducati motorcycles have a good brand name The Ducati Scramblers speed and performance is high The Ducati Scrambler has approximately sixty accessories The Ducati Scrambler is available in different flavors There is high customer loyalty Weaknesses The Ducati Scrambler is very expensive The target audience is narrow There are low economies of scale Opportunities There is a new emerging high-income market around the world There are innovative technologies that keep emerging Threats Other motorcycles from the competitors The high price may make people opt for other means of transport such as cars Competitor analysis In Australia, there is a motorcycle industry that deals with the issues of everyone who is involved in the motorcycle industry. In 2015, the band with the highest sales was Honda which had approximately twenty-five percent of the sales. The Yamaha and Kawasaki were the brands that followed. Harley Davidson was the fourth brand and Ducati did not rank among the first ten brands. Similarly, in 2016, Honda emerged the first as mentioned earlier. Harley Davidson emerged as the road bike brand with the highest sales. On the other hand, Yamaha had the highest sales as the off-road brand of choice ("Australian Motorcycle Sales Figures 2015", 2016). This shows the position of the Ducatis competitors in the Australian market. The industry has shifted from producing heavyweight motorcycles to the sport and high-performance ones. This is because the target market has changed from baby boomers to millennials. The main competitors in the motorcycle market are Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Harley, and BMW. Ducati and Harley are the most widely recognized brands compared to the rest. However, Harley innovates at a faster rate compared to Ducati. It is worth noting that no brand has control of more than thirty-five percent of the market. Based on technological innovation, Honda and Yamaha are on the forefront. For instance, Honda released the first 4-cylinder CB750 first (Duncan, 2016). Generally, there is very high competition among the various companies since the brands are all strong and the difference occurs in innovation and quality. The marketing strategy includes the 4Ps that are used in the market mix and as outlined in the SOSTAC model of marketing. The strategy also focuses on the target market and the positioning of the product and the brand. The target market of the Ducati Scrambler is the millennials since it is a sporty high-performance motorcycle. The age of the customers is between eighteen and thirty-five years. In addition, the target market must belong to the upper class or upper middle class as mentioned earlier. It is mainly suitable for people who enjoy racing and sports bikes. Majority of the customers are men who are single or married. They are usually status oriented and would pay a huge price for a premium brand. There is an established market in Europe and the United States. The goal of this plan is to target customers in Australia. The aim is to make Ducati Scrambler be among the top selling bikes in the Australian market. Presently, it is not among the top sellers as aforementioned. Additionally, the company aims to make Ducati the most recognized brand in Australia. The product line of Ducati Scrambler includes the four different flavors mentioned earlier. Apart from the motorcycle itself, there are different accessories to assist the customers to customize it. There are also different scrambler logos available. The engine is 8000cc which makes the speed high. The company website provides an interactive platform where the customer can see the different features of the bike. Lastly, there are apparels that are sold on Ducatis World that would be comfortable to wear when riding. The Ducati community also provides membership to a club for those loyal customers and within the club, there are many offers that the customers can take advantage of. To improve the product line, it can be expanded by developing a better model of the Ducati Scrambler that meets the needs of the customers better. They can also develop smaller models that can be used by teenagers who enjoy racing and sports bikes but cannot be able to handle the current size. The price of the motorcycle varies depending on the flavor and the features. For example, the 2016 Ducati Scrambler Icon flavor ranges between $10,000 to $14,000 in Australia ("18 Ducati Scrambler ICON Motorcycles for Sale in Australia", n.d.). The motorcycle is not overpriced or underpriced compared to the competitors such as the 2017 Kawasaki Ninja which is around $ 18,000 since it is more powerful. The price may also change according to the dealer who is selling the bike. For instance, some dealers may give discounted offers to encourage people to buy. Promotion strategy The company will use digital platforms to make people aware of the product such as social media, the companys website, and microsites (Smith Chaffey, 2012). The company can use online marketing tools to send a clear consistent message to the customer. The first tool is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is used to increase the visibility of the product using keyword analysis. The second tool is Pay-Per-Click where keywords will be used and a budget that will need to be monitored. The third tool is affiliate marketing where the company can use leads to improve the visibility of the brand. The last tool is the emailing that ensures the customers receive the newsletter and are aware of product developments. Social media can also be used using the RACE model (Chaffey, 2016). The company can create awareness through television adverts and social media sites. Customers can ask questions on social media or through Live chat ensuring participation. Then customers can purchase the bike on the online shops or through offline methods. In addition to the digital methods, the company can use traditional marketing methods. Presently, the company has a tour that it uses to demonstrate the performance of the bikes for the customers. The customers are able to take the bikes for a test drive and ask questions about the various models. This can be done in Australia to boost the sales of the bike. It is also convenient for the customer since it comes to the cities and towns in the regions thus they do not need to travel. Ducati can use the experience to get first-hand information about the needs of the customers in order to improve the latest models. As part of the aftersales services, the company can recommend well-known mechanics to the customers for future repairs that the company is not responsible for. The products will be distributed using different dealers that sell motorcycles in Australia. Moreover, the customers can use the motorcycles on the companys website where they will be directed to a dealership near them. The website also offers an opportunity for them to customize their bikes. The dealers offer a chance for the potential customer to test drive their chosen motorcycle. It is worth noting that dealers are a good distribution channel since the customer will not have to worry about the shipping arrangements and shipping cost. Action programs or implementation For the Search Engine Optimization, the company needs to know the keywords that it is targeting. It needs to optimize web pages to gain the rankings. To build on the content, it needs to build relationships with bloggers who are well known in the industry and other companies that may help you acquire sales. For the Pay-Per-click ensure that the targeted keywords are directing customers to the right web pages. The affiliate program requires the company to build relationships with the affiliates and check out the marketing techniques that the competition is using. When using emails, ensure you check whether the tool is working effectively. The experience tour can be conducted within the first three months of the product launch. In the tour, the company should showcase the entire product line to show the customers the different flavors available. The tour should include test drives so that the potential customers can learn about the performance and speed of the bike. Overall, monitor the performance of the tools in use using Key Performance Indicators such new visitors in a site and conversion rate. There will also be meeting to discuss the progress of the marketing program that has been set up and provide new ideas to improve it. Performance of the team implementing the marketing program will also be evaluated. The implementation will include monthly evaluation meetings that must be done to reach the overall six months targets outlined above. Conclusion In conclusion, the marketing plan outlined above needs to be accompanied with a budget to ensure that the companys resources are fully utilized. The team involved in the implementation process must execute the action programs laid out in the plan. Implementation must also include continuous performance checks to ensure the marketing program is still working. The performance checks can be done weekly or monthly depending on the needs of the company. The company should also include a rewarding system for the employees when they meet their targets. This will motivate them to work harder which eventually boosts sales. To gain maximum results, the team must retain customers as has been the case with other Ducati models. References Australian Motorcycle Sales Figures 2015. (2016) Retrieved 1 October 2017, from 18 Ducati Scrambler ICON Motorcycles for Sale in Australia. Retrieved 30 September 2017, from Chaffey, D. (2016).Introducing RACE: a practical framework to improve your digital marketing - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice.Smart Insights. Retrieved 30 September 2017 Duncan, W. (2016).Harley-Davidson Case Retrieved 30 September 2017, from Gobert, A. (2017).Australian motorcycle sales down during first quarter of 2017 - Retrieved 30 September 2017, from Rough Crafts Turns the Ducati Scrambler into a Wild Beast.Luxatic. Retrieved 30 September 2017, from Smith, P., Chaffey, D. (2012).EMarketing eXcellence. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.